On Monday 26th September, as part of National Inclusion Week andScottish International Week, Bright Red Triangle co-hosted an event with OutBritain all about connecting LGBT+ business professionals to each other and to opportunities. This was a hybrid event, well attended both in person and online, with around twenty active attendees keen to discuss our themes.
Our partner, OutBritain, is the UK’s first LGBT Chamber of Commerce, looking to certify LGBT+ owned businesses and give them access to a wealth of diverse supplier contracts. There are millions of pounds worth of contracts available for suppliers certified as diverse, and OutBritain are making sure UK businesses have access to these.
OutBritain shared their story, and their mission, to a room full for LGBT+ people and allies. We discussed being a LGBT+ business owner, the value of community, the benefits of becoming LGBT Business Enterprise (LGBTBE) certified and the importance of supplier diversity. During, the event, BRT also announced the launch of our Bright Red Triangle’s Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Business Roundtable’s which will run on a quarterly basis. The aim of these round tables is to offer a safe place to our community to discuss DIB related issues, share stories, resources, and discuss challenges and practical solutions we could all takeaway from the conversations. The first one will be delivered in January, likely focusingdiscussion around moving into a new year – reflecting on the past few years in business, and our anticipations for the coming year, potentially under some challenging circumstances.
To find out more about what we do, and our exciting upcoming schedule of events including our monthly pitching competition Bright Red Sparks and our new Student Side-Hustle programme, please check our our What's On pages or pop into our Start-Up Studio at Bainfield for a chat!